Osion kuvaus

    • Kansio icon
      Lectures Kansio
    • Verkko-osoite icon
      Briefly video Verkko-osoite

      Every project starts with a brief.

      But very few projects end up with exceptional results. Why?

      As a disruptive brand and design strategy firm that creates briefs across multiple creative disciplines including Advertising, Design, and Innovation, Tom Bassett, CEO of Bassett & Partners (and founder of MindSwarms), was curious to understand how some of the world’s most consistently exceptional creative talents thought about – and used – the brief.

      Through a series of one-on-one interviews with Frank Gehry (Founder Gehry Partner), Yves Béhar (CEO fuseproject), Maira Kalman (Illustrator), John C Jay (President @ GX, Partner @ Wieden + Kennedy), David Rockwell (CEO Rockwell Group), and John Boiler (CEO 72andSunny), we asked them to elaborate on how they define – and use – the brief to deliver exceptional creative results.

      The end goal of Briefly is to help inform and inspire future generations of collaborators to write better briefs and manage the briefing process differently in order to help lead to exceptional creative results.

      So while every project will still start with a brief, the dream is that more projects end up exceptional because of how these creative titans inspire (or re-inspire) the way we all think about briefs.

    • Verkko-osoite icon
      Double Diamond Design Process Explained Verkko-osoite
    • Kansio icon
      Trends and futures materials for background research Kansio
    • Sivu icon
      Links and useful online resources Sivu
    • Kansio icon
      Interview materials and Tapio Vapaasalo writings Kansio
      I this folder I have put the recordings from the interviews with Tapio Vapaasalo, Marika Sarvilahti and Yrjö Sotamaa. They are audiofiles only. Here are also the written documents Tapio shared with us prior to his interview and the questions you prepared.
      These were the links Marika shared with us in her presentation:

      If you are interested in buying your copy of the Yrjö's and Tapsa's "legendary" &SDU publication they published in their second year of studies, contact Juha Huuskonen juha@hiap.fi
      The publication included writing from Buckminster Fuller

    • Verkko-osoite icon
      AIDA model Verkko-osoite

      This main link is taking to a page talking about the the classic AIDA model (Awareness – Interest – Desire – Action) that Tapio Vapaasalo was referring to today.

      On this AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) page you can also find other similar models briefly explained.

    • Kansio icon
      Finnish Design Academy final reports about design education now and in future Kansio

      Finnish Design Academy (FDA) – Muotoilualan korkeakoulutuksen kehittäminen tulevaisuuden työelämän osaamistarpeita varten -hanke on yksi Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön korkeakoulutuksen kehittämisen kärkihankkeita vuosina 2018–2020. Suomen muotoilukoulutuksen kehittämiseen keskittyvässä FDA: hankkeessa synnytetään muotoilualan koulujen yhteistyöverkosto ja foorumi muotoilualan toimijoiden sekä elinkeinoelämän kohtaamiselle. Hankkeen koordinoija on LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu ja osatoteuttajia ovat Aalto-yliopisto, Lapin yliopisto, Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu, Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu, Lapin yliopisto, Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu, Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu sekä Turun ammattikorkeakoulu. Hankkeessa on mukana myös muotoilualan asiantuntijajärjestö Ornamo.

    • Tiedosto icon

      these are the "guidelines" we have about current ARTS visuality from Aalto communications.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Kansio icon
      Aalto Fonts for the project Kansio

      I compressed Aalto fonts Sentinel and Nimbus families into this zip.

      Use only in the Aalto project and in Aalto context, otherwise, we might run into some licensing issues. 

    • Kansio icon
      Here is a slide deck about structuring presentations (which can be particularly useful for those not in english class).  Also a fex example presentations from the course in 2020 (HDW) and 2019 (Iittala).

      Remember you have only 10 minutes, so you can show just the tip of the iceberg.
      Focus on the main objective
      Support with key points, (the reasoning why it is good, how it is meant to be used, and benefits).
      – Drop the rest
      – In the end conclude your presentation with a slide showing (again) all the applications on same page to support discussion and feedback







      TECHNICAL DETAILS /Important Facts


      These principles can be useful in presenting:

      • Attention
      • Interest
      • Desire
      • Action

      Motivated sequence
      1 – Get attention – arouse interest, focus on message
      2 – Show the need – identify the problem
      3 – Satisfy the need – present a solution
      4 – Visualise the results – point out the benefits
      5 – Request action – obtain commitment

      Problem-solution structure usually work well too