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      Return your team's background research & insight presentations here.

      1) Describe your sources and the methods you used to get information.

      2) From your collected data select and include in the presentation any interesting or surprising findings and insights that you uncovered during background research that can later become a starting point for your ideation and creative process.

      3) Please include also the cases you identified as visually interesting and that you analyzed. In Benchmarkin part: 
      a) select one visual identity and "reverse engineer" that. It can be any and not related to your project, but please explain why that visual identity is interesting or special to you. Show and tell where, how and by whom that visual identity is used. If you can find out how it has been created or evolved during the years that can also be interesting.

      b) In addition, select and analyse also one anniversary (or other celebration) logo, symbol or mark and include that in your presentation.

      4) Prepare to present your work on 21.1.2021. Aim for (visual) 10 minute presentations.

      Submit your presentation here and name your file e.g. Team1_background research.pdf
      Maximum file size is 200 MB

      These can be useful resources for benchmarking and studying identites, but you can also use your own:

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      We have our interim critique on Tuesday, 2 February, and each team presents their initial ideas to the client and receives feedback both from the client and the teachers.

      Upload your presentations here. (Maximum file size for uploading 200MB)

      As we have 9 teams, we need to be strict with time. Aim for clear 10-minute presentations.
      We will have the first 5 presentations in the morning (the teams in the English class) and 4 after lunch.
      We need to reserve time for feedback and discussions as well, as they are crucial for the project's learning experience and advancement.
      The English teacher records the students' presentations that are part of the English course and will give feedback on presentation techniques for those students later in her class.

      About presenting:

      The client or all teachers have not followed your background research phase so think about presenting your ideas clearly to become apparent what you suggest and why. Show what insights or findings are your work based on and what is your thought of logic. You can think of it as a narrative from the start to the end. You may also show alternatives, and perhaps feedback can help you choose with what direction you go forward. But remember that you can only show the tip of an iceberg in 10 minutes.

      This is only an interim critique, so it does not mean that you have to have everything clear and ready, so relax, but the more developed you have the ideas or alternatives, the more on point the feedback will probably be. When things are only assumed, assumptions tend to vary between people, so at least good sketches can help to understand what you aim at.

      When you get feedback, take notes of what was said, as it is too easy to forget later when several perspectives are covered.

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      Please return your presentations here by morning 18.2. However, in the Zoom, be prepared to present from your own computers in order to create a fluent presentation and control timing.

      Aalto ARTS Annual Review is on 19.2. and the client would like to share also some works there. So we need to have all the presentations returned and available right after the course critique.

      These presentations are also used for grading student work by all the teachers.

      Note: Mycourses has a maximum file size of 200 MB, which can occasionally become an issue if you have many big images and videos in the presentation. If you cannot pack the full presentation into <200MB file, you may also return a shorter file with a link to downloading the full presentation online.

      In the final presentations teachers' assess student’s work by reviewing your idea, its execution, the presentation, and the process.

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      Share a link to your learning portfolios, where you have reflected on your learning and documented your progress, ideas and thoughts during the course. It can be a short text file with the link (and password included if needed).