Osion kuvaus

  • Course info

    Welcome to Creative Computation for Visual Communication Design!

    On this course we will learn how to use computation as a practical and experimental method for visual communication design. In addition to getting a hands-on introduction to the world of programming, we will also take a more theoretical and critical look at computational practices in design.

    The class is organised online on Zoom, consisting of short lectures, group discussions, live coding workshops, as well as coding exercises carried out independently and in pairs. The independent work consists of weekly coding assignments, assigned reading, and some smaller research and design oriented exercises. The weekly workload is 9h of class time and 18h of independent work. The final course projects will be presented on the last day of the course (3.12.2020), and it will be weighted as 25% of the course grade.

    For programming we will be mainly using p5.js which is a JavaScript library intended for creative coding. You will also need a code editor: I highly recommend Brackets, but you can also use a text editor of your choice or the p5.js web editor.

    Eevi Rutanen
    Primary: eevi.rutanen(a)aalto.fi
    Secondary: eevi(a)eevirutanen.com

    Dates & Times

    Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9:15-12:00


    The course will be graded on scale 1-5 as follows:

    • 25% Final course project
    • 65% Weekly exercises (5 x 13%)
    • 10% Attendance and activity


    No previous coding skills are required for this class. All the coding exercises are designed to be creative, approachable and geared to visual designers.

    Before the first session, please install Brackets (unless you want to use a different text editor) and download the emptyExample folder from Getting Started

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään (M01) Creative Computation for Visual Communication D (Oodi)
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      Final Project Tehtävä
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään (M01) Creative Computation for Visual Communication D (Oodi)
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      Follow this forum for announcements and course info!
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään (M01) Creative Computation for Visual Communication D (Oodi)
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      Code Clinic Keskustelualue

      Use this forum for code-related questions!
      Remember to post screenshots and error messages if applicable.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään (M01) Creative Computation for Visual Communication D (Oodi)
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      Yleinen keskustelu Keskustelualue

      Use this forum for general discussion!
      Eg. Post cool creative coding inspiration or other resources.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään (M01) Creative Computation for Visual Communication D (Oodi)
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      Showcase Keskustelualue

      Post your creative coding creations here!
      You can attach screenshots, gifs or video.