Topic outline

  • General

    The six-week process workshop takes the materiality of (photographic) art production under scrutiny. This workshop seeks to call forth discussions about materiality in art making, the possibilities for sustainable art production and to consider topics such as definitions of value. 

    The course aims to inspire experimental ways of making, to emphasize process and production as a tool and to grow understanding about the actuality of an art object. We will dig into our own archives, work with materials, plans and ideas left aside or disregarded for one reason or another.  We will circulate ideas and components, taking this as our method and practice. We aim to use found, collected or borrowed materials. We shall study the premises of Väre and around: the workshops, recycling areas and bins. What is excess to others might turn out to be your treasure.  

    Questions to be discussed and practiced during the course are: How to take leftover in use and how to use circulation and recycling as theme, source, material, and method. And, is sustainable art production possible?

    The course comprises earlier Mixed Media workshop in its agenda. In the Printlab of Väre, together with the second teacher of the course Markus Ahonen, we can experiment with inkjet printing on any material and technique: painting or printmaking, paper, fabric, wood, metal or even a slice of toast.

    Course includes online lectures, group mentoring, hands on working at Printlab and individual working with custom-made printers in classrooms. Course is scheduled to take place on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Detailed timetable to be confirmed.

    • URL icon
      Zoom link for group meetings URL