Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    2021 Implementation

    To get the full experience of this year's course. Please also join the DOM-E5159 Embodied Interaction course. Both courses will benefit from each other. The number of students that can be admitted to the course this year is very limited due to the Covid-19 restrictions, students who take both courses and have completed all prerequisites will have priority.

    Course Materials

    This course uses an external website for all the materials:

    • Keskustelualue icon

      Add here an artwork, artist, documentation video, published paper, exhibition, tool, technique etc. that you think should be added to the Incomplete Timeline of Audiovisual Art https://learn.mansteri.com/c/avs/an-incomplete-timeline-of-audiovisual-art/

      Provide some examples of their work and some arguments on why you think the work is important and meaningful to you personally, but also within the field in general.

      Each student should post one discussion and also comment on someone else's chosen artwork. Please write something more meaningful than just "cool" or an emoji. Try to put into words what are the things that appeal to you in the work. Is it something in the aesthetics? Or the technology used? Or the meaning or context of the work? Or whatever thoughts and emotions it envokes in you.