DOM-E5150 - Archaeology of Media Infrastructures, 11.01.2021-29.03.2021
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 29.03.2021 Etsi kursseja: DOM-E5150
Osion kuvaus
The course provides a framework of archaeological exploration of media infrastructures. It allows students to think beyond a single media device and design for broader media ecologies. Tracing the emergence of contemporary media infrastructures from early instances in human and media history, it examines both hard infrastructure (architecture, mechanical and computing systems) and soft infrastructure (software, APIs and operating systems). What are the breaks, the discontinuities and ruptures in media-infrastructural history? What has been remediated, in what form, in what characteristics? The course prepares students for the follow-up course: ‘Media and the Environment’ in Fall 2021.
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Acquire knowledge about the history and formation of media infrastructures.
- Identify broader implications of infrastructures in regards to urbanism, digital culture, energy and labor.
- Recognize and analyze the resource and environmental impacts of digital infrastructures.
- Investigate the sustainability of media infrastructures
ATTENTION: Currently, all lectures will be held remote via Zoom until further notice. If Aalto University recommends contact teaching in the future, we will arrange the classes in the Aalto ARTS premises. The final exhibition of student artworks will happen in one of the gallery spaces in the Väre building.
Please download and install Zoom before the course begins.
Aalto Zoom Guide: