Osion kuvaus

  • Note: You can take this retake exam only if you registered for it in Oodi!

    The exam will be graded ”as if it were done in the classroom”.

    We can not monitor your access to external material, but they should not show in the answers at all. You must write down all your assumptions, value assignments, intermediate steps, conclusions, etc. 

    Consulting somebody else, working together or copying from somebody else is strictly forbidden (and will fail the whole exam). Direct copy&paste from external sources is not allowed, either.

    You can write by hand or with computer, or combine them. Scan your exam answer sheets or take photos, and submit the scanned files or pictures to MyCourses. Make sure your files are clear and readable, and use normal file formats such as PDF (preferred) or JPG. Name your scanned (or photographed) answer sheets: "lastname_firstname.pdf". If several files (not preferred, though): "lastname_firstname_pagenumber.pdf" (or .jpg)

    The deadline is absolute, the submission will close automatically at 19:45, with no extensions possible.

    • Saatavilla 10. toukokuuta 2021, 19.50 saakka
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      Retake exam 10.5.2021 Tehtävä