Topic outline

  • Instructions:

    • Reports (and texts) are to be done individually, you can cooperate on doing the exercises
    • Make sure to read the questions in detail and answer to all parts of the question
    • Write down all important steps
    • Label figures correctly (legend, axis etc.)
    • Return a separate PDF file. Use any text processor you like to prepare your submission.

    • Return the answers in a single pdf file. Don't scan handwritten text/figures but make everything on the computer.
    • Make sure to write your name, your student number and the exercise number in the pdf file
    • Upload the answers to MyCourses
    • See MyCourses for the submission deadlines

    How to remotely connect to a campus Linux desktop (Maari computers) for the exercises:
    1. Connect to a Linux shell server, either Kosh or Lyta: 'ssh'  OR  'ssh'
    2. Connect to a computer using 'ssh LINUX_COMPUTER_NAME'. Find the names here.

    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      File icon
      Home exercises scores - final version File PDF

      Note that originally, the 5 exercises had different maximum points. For computing the total, all five exercises are normalized to have 16 as maximum points. Thus, the maximum total score is 5 * 16 = 80.

    • Assignment icon

      Deadline 4.11 23:59

      Exercise session Zoom-links:
      Thursday 29.10.2020 10:15-12:00

      Friday 30.10.2020 14:15-16:00

    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      File icon
      Assignment 1 files ZIP
    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      File icon
      Recording of exercise session 1 intro and Python Notebook instructions File MP4
    • Assignment icon

      Deadline 11.11 23:59
      Exercise session Zoom-links:
      Thursday 5.11.2020 10:15-12:00

      Friday 6.11.2020 14:15-16:00

      The assignment can be found here:

    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      File icon
      Exercise 2 zoom session introduction File MP4
    • Assignment icon

      Deadline 18.11 23:59

      Exercise session Zoom-links:

      Thursday 12.11.2020 10:15-12:00:
      Friday 13.11.2020 14:15-16:00:
      The n-gram part of the assignment can be found here:

      The neural part instructions and data ( jupyter notebook) of the assignment are attached inside here. The starting sequence for the FNN is 'a girl'. For the RNN is '<s> a girl'

      Return one report for both parts of the assignment.

    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      File icon
      Exercise 4 intro File MP4
    • Assignment icon

      Deadline 25.11 23:59
      Exercise session Zoom-links:
      Thursday 19.11.2020 10:15-12:00

      Friday 20.11.2020 14:15-16:00

    • Assignment icon

      Deadline 2.12 23:59

      Exercise session Zoom-links:
      Thursday 26.11.2020 10:15-12:00

      Friday 27.11.2020 14:15-16:00

    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      File icon
      Exercise 5 intro File MP4