
  • ELEC-E7450 Performance Analysis, Spring 2021 (Period 5)

    Welcome to the course!

    ELEC-E7450 Performance Analysis covers basic stochastic queueing models (such as M/G/1) used to analyse and optimise the performance of various computer and communication systems.

    The course starts with the first lecture on Tuesday 20.4.2021 at 9:15. All lectures and exercise classes will be organized as remote teaching by using Zoom teleconferencing tool, see section "Schedule and lecture material".

    Note also that the first exercise session is already on Wednesday 21.4.2021 at 16:15. You can find the exercises in the "Exercises" section. The first problems try to refreshen your prerequisite skills and knowledge on basic probability and Markov processes. You should return your solutions in the Exercise 1 folder under "Exercises" section.

    Prerequisite course

    - MS-A050* First Course in Probability and Statistics or any basic course on applied probability (mandatory)
    - ELEC-C7210 Modeling and Analysis or any basic course on stochastic processes (recommended)

    Further Information

    See course info slides below. For any open question related to the course, please contact the responsible teacher: 

    - Pasi Lassila, pasi.lassila@aalto.fi