Osion kuvaus

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      For the first task, you will need to complete the beginner tutorial provided by the ROS organization. Use the following instructions to complete the assignment, which also includes additional tips and what to return. Please note that this is an individual assignment, no group work is allowed.

      Download the virtual machine image from the following link (you need to download only the "Ubuntu 18.08 AMR.ova file"):


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      Read and follow the project guidelines provided below. Please note that this is an individual task, group work is not allowed.

      For those doing this assignment on their own Linux installations, you may download the required files from this link:


      Then, use the provided report template to return your answers, based on the assignment and in PDF format.

    • Ryhmävalinta icon

      Form groups among yourselves and enroll here.

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      Choose one of the proposed topics with your group, and then read carefully the attached document below, which also includes a template for your report. It is enough that only one member of the group submits the report.

    • Saatavilla 13. huhtikuuta 2021, 18.45 saakka
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      The 1st Exam, April 13, 2021; 16:00 - 18:30 Tehtävä

      The Questions of the 1st  Exam April 13 will emerge in MyCourses just before 4 PM i.e. 16:00

      Reminder: We will be using Turnitin to check the exams prior to grading them, avoid all and any plagiarism.

      The network/home exams are individual, and questions are constructed so that you cannot just copy-paste the answers, but typically you must think and summarise a bit wider sections in short form, or you have to explain certain algorithm shortly.

      In order to check texts for plagiarism, you should submit the answer-file in pdf-format. You should use such a text processing program, for example MS Word, with which you can produce a pdf-file for submission. The answers can contain figures, for representing flowcharts or structures, and equations, which you can create by using certain software, or you an create them with pen and paper and take photo with your smart phone camera and copy the image to your answer file. For each question, the maximum length of the answer is one A4-page. In the first page, you should have the information about the course, exam and yourself normally required in exams at Aalto. Prepare the first page already before the exam starts.

      All answers must be contained in one pdf-file, which must be be submitted before the strict dead-line.

      The questions will available there just before 16:00 and the deadline is strictly 18:30 so that you have 150 minutes to do the exam and submit the answer-file.

    • Saatavilla 27. huhtikuuta 2021, 19.30 saakka
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      The 2nd Exam, April 27, 2021; 16:00 - 18:30 Tehtävä

      The Questions of the 2nd Exam April 27 will emerge in MyCourses just before 4 PM i.e. 16:00.

      Reminder: We will be using Turnitin to check the exams prior to grading them, avoid all and any plagiarism.

      The network/home exams are individual, and questions are constructed so that you cannot just copy-paste the answers, but typically you must think and summarize a bit wider sections in short form, or you have to explain certain algorithm shortly.

      You should submit the answer-file in pdf-format. You should use such a text processing program, for example MS Word, with which you can produce a pdf-file for submission. The answers can contain figures, for representing flowcharts or structures, and equations, which you can create by using certain software, or you an create them with pen and paper and take photo with your smart phone camera and copy the image to your answer file. For each question, the maximum length of the answer is one A4-page. In the first page, you should have the information about the course, exam and yourself normally required in exams at Aalto. Prepare the first page already before the exam starts.

       All answers must be contained in one pdf-file, which must be submitted before the strict dead-line.

      The questions will available there just before 16:00 and the deadline is strictly 18:30 so that you have 150 minutes to do the exam and submit the answer-file.

    • Saatavilla 11. toukokuuta 2021, 19.30 saakka
      Tehtävä icon
      The 3rd Exam, May 11, 2021; 16:00 - 18:30 Tehtävä

      The Questions of the 3rd Exam May 11, will emerge in MyCourses just before 4 PM i.e. 16:00

      Reminder: We will be using Turnitin to check the exams prior to grading them, avoid all and any plagiarism.

      The network/home exams are individual, and questions are constructed so that you cannot just copy-paste the answers, but typically you must think and summarize a bit wider sections in short form, or you have to explain certain algorithm shortly.

      In order to check texts for plagiarism, you should submit the answer-file in pdf-format. You should use such a text processing program, for example MS Word, with which you can produce a pdf-file for submission. The answers can contain figures, for representing flowcharts or structures, and equations, which you can create by using certain software, or you an create them with pen and paper and take photo with your smart phone camera and copy the image to your answer file. For each question, the maximum length of the answer is one A4-page. In the first page, you should have the information about the course, exam and yourself normally required in exams at Aalto. Prepare the first page already before the exam starts.

      All answers must be contained in one pdf-file, which must be submitted before the strict dead-line.

       The questions will available there just before 16:00 and the deadline is strictly 18:30 so that you have 150 minutes to do the exam and submit the answer-file.