Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    This course deals with control methods for AC motor drives and grid-connected converters. Some key applications are introduced. Selected control concepts are introduced using an induction motor, interior permanent-magnet motor, and synchronous reluctance motor as example machines. Using analogies to motor drives, basics of grid-connected converters are covered.

    The prerequisite course is ELEC-E8405 Electric Drives.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kentän Sähköpostiosoite sisältö päättyy näin: aalto.fi
      Quiz -tehtävä icon
      Retake exam: 20th September 2021, 16:30 - 19:30 Quiz -tehtävä
      The exam will be held digitally here on 20th September 2021. The exam will start at 16:30 and end at 19:30.
      • You will need your computer with internet connection, pen, paper, and mobile phone to solve the problems and submit your answers.
      •  The digital exam aims to be aligned with the learning outcomes of the whole course and the individual learning outcomes of each lecture (and exercise). You can use course materials, calculator, computer, and internet.
      •  You are NOT allowed to ask help from others.
      • The structure of the exam will be like the structure of the paper exams from earlier years (with some minor changes). This year you can use materials. Therefore, the problems will be such that you have to process information more as compared to the earlier years. In other words, the exam aims to test if you have understood the concept, instead of testing if you are able to find it from the materials.
      • You can copy-paste relevant figures and equations from the course materials to your answers. However, avoid copy-pasting unnecessary or irrelevant material. 
      • In some problems, you may be asked to attach some drawings or equations. You can simply use pen and paper for this purpose. Then, take a photo of your hand-written solution with your mobile phone and attach it to your solution. (Alternatively, you may use digital tools such as an equation editor or a drawing program, which, however, can be more time consuming. Or if you feel it easier, you can use pen and paper for all your answers.)
      • In your attachments, allowed file formats are pdf, jpg, png, and svg. You can submit your solutions as a single document or you can submit several separate files.
      • Before the exam, please practice how to get photos from your mobile phone to your computer.