Osion kuvaus

  • Due to the COVID19 situation, the Laboratory works are replaced with theoretical assignments.

    The first one is about the transformer and is now available. You need to download the COMSOL program and the model file to do this. Each student needs to return one report as explained in the assignment.

    The second assignment about the IM is also available now. Each student needs to return one report. 

    The report from the assignment 2 will be marked and and the marks will contribute to the final grade of the course together with the exam marks (50%-50%). In this way the importance of the exam will be reduced as it will take place online.  

    Here you will find the laboratory works and the return boxes for your reports. The choice of the group and the time slot are also provided.

    The lab works take p lace in the machine hall at Otakaari 5L. See the map and plane.