Topic outline

    • Week 2 (3.5.-9.5.)

      During the second week of the course you should:

      1. Study chapter 3 of the textbook. Run the example code on your machine and try to understand what they do.
      2. Prepare for your presentation on the assigned topic (duration ~35 minutes). Presentation should explain the quantum algorithm and provide an example implementation using Qiskit.

      The following presentation times and topics were agreed on:

      time name topic
      17.5. 10:15-11:00 Olli 4.1.3 Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
      17.5. 11:15-12:00 Hanchen 3.7 Shor's algorithm and breaking RSA
      24.5. 10:15-11:00 Vincent 4.1.5 Hybrid quantum-classical neural networks
      31.5. 10:15-11:00 Ornella 4.1.1 HHL algorithm for solving linear systems
      31.5. 11:15-12:00 Henri 4.1.4 Satisfiability problems and Grover's algorithm
      7.6. 11:00-12:00 Sama 4.1.2 Simulating Molecules using VQE

    • Week 1 (26.4.-2.5.)

      For the first week of the course, you have two tasks:

      1. Install Anaconda Python (version 3.8) and IBM Qiskit on your computer.
      2. Study chapters 0-2 of the textbook. Try running some of the example code provided in these chapters on your machine.