Topic outline

  • The description of the software development project done on the course will be added here.

    There will be two project topics for the course. Both will be done by at least one project group duringt he course.

    Agent-based modeling of COVID-19 transmission in grocery stores

    The first topic is modeling COVID-19 transmission in a grocery store setting with Agent-Based Models (see and The group, which takes this topic, will start with existing ABM implementation (in Python). Their initial task is to implement an existing grocery store (A Bloc K-Market) on top of the existing implementation and be able to run the model with that data.

    After the model is running, there are at least two further development paths that should be followed. First, a simple web service should be established, where the model (either the original model with the synthetic store, or the A Bloc K-Market store) can be run with different parameters and the results will be reported to the user. Second, the model should be further developed to take into account, for example, rush hours, store staff, etc. 

    Specific elements to be included in the project will be discussed later.

    Outside view from buildings in Helsinki using 3D city model

    The second topic is creating a "view from a window" -service for Helsinki. Helsinki city has created a freely available 3d city models that cover the whole city (see Using this model, it is possible to create a simulated view from a window from practically every window in every house in Helsinki. The view would be similar to what could be seen from the actual window.

    The initial task in this project would be create meathod for creating a simulated window view for a given address on a given floor, and to a given direction. Thus the parameters would not actually be for a specific window, but for a more generic but "close enough" simulation of such.

    After the initial window view creation works, then it needs to be turned into a web service. Furthermore, using the 3d model, the window view can be analyzed and different characteristics of the view can be calculated. In this project, the following characteristics are focused on:
    1. The farthest distance visible in the view
    2. Visibility and amount of some specific elements, such as the sea, vegetation, or other buildings
    3. Sunlight hours and total amount of sunlight on the window
    Specific elements to be included in the project will be discussed later.