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      Climate change Fil
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      Plagiarism slides Fil
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      Avoiding Plagiarism Questions 2020 handout Fil
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      Formal style and grammar handout Fil
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      Session 5 slides Fil
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      Book a time for Peer / Teacher feedback on First draft Tidsbokning
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      First Draft Peer & Teacher Feedback Forum
      Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande

      1. Schedule a time for your peer & teacher feedback session.

      2. Post your paper in the forum for your partner to read. Read through your partner’s paper.

      3. Highlight your partner's paper for the two following considerations:

      A. Do you see the problem-solution pattern? Mark each step with a comment.

      B. Identify the following and offer suggested corrections:

      -Informal verbs, adjectives, nouns, adverbs
      -Verb tense issues (e.g., future)
      -Use of active and passive
      -Any shift in English dialect
      -Any need for hedging (i.e., absolutes, strong claims)