
  • Tervetuloa kurssille Suomi 1!

    Welcome to the course Finnish 1!

    Kuvatulokset haulle syksy

    Course time: 28.9.-2.12.2020

    Lessons: Mondays and Wednesdays at 16.15-17.45

    Location: Online course, see the link below

    Book: Oma suomi 1 (Tapaninen & Kuparinen), chapters 1-5

    Written exam: on Wednesday 2.12.2020 at 16.15-17.45

    Re-exam: announced later

    Mid term test: on Wednesday 4.11.2020 at 17-18 via Zoom (after the first lesson)

    Oral exam: in pairs 

    Teacher: Nelli Karkkunen (nelli.karkkunen@aalto.fi)