
  • The aim of this week is first to orient our minds towards presentation skills in general and to get familiar with Panopto (the software that you'll use to video and share your presentation). The assignments aim to activate your previous knowledge of presentation skills, to get you to explore and analyze professional presentations online, to read more about presentations skills, and to get familiar with the presentation software. You will also reflect on your own personal learning goals for this course. After that, you will begin to construct ideas for your own presentation, starting with the topic, audience, and purpose. The course materials will help you to do the assignments.

    This week consists of four assignments, which you can complete at your own pace by the given deadline.
    Please note that both Assignment 1 requires using Panopto and both Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 require posting in a Forum, and responding to someone else's post. This means that you should not leave them until right before the deadline.

    If you have found a website related to presentation skills you would like to share with others, please post it under "Useful Links".