Osion kuvaus

  • Course info


    The course is based on independent reading of the study material and computational analysis of a reference ship and a concept design. The reading covers the following topics:

    • General description and characteristics of free surface flow problems and mathematical formulation (governing equations, boundary conditions).
    • Numerical modelling of problems in ship hydrodynamics with potential flow and RANS equations.
    • Hull form improvement based on analysis of numerical predictions.

    The reading is supported by periodical meetings with the teaching staff. The computational analysis task is supported by help-desk type sessions.

    The details of grid generation or choice of modelling options are not covered on the course. Students interested in these details are encouraged to take the course MEC-E2010 Computational Fluid Modelling in parallel with this course.

    Reading material

    The main reading on the course is Larsson and Raven (2010), Principles of Naval Architecture Series - Ship Resistance and Flow. This is freely available to Aalto students as an e-book via Knovel. You can access it directly on Knovel within the Aalto network or via the Learning centre website, if you are outside of the Aalto network. The reading will also cover a single section in Bertram (2011), Practical Ship Hydrodynamics, which is available similarly on Knovel. You write a short report on the reading briefly summarising the reading and highlighting difficult concepts and details. The report has a weight of 15% in the final grading. Further instructions on the reading is available under the Readings section.


    The theory is put in practice in a simulation exercise consisting of a validation phase for a reference ship and evaluation phase for your own concept design. If you do not have a concept design available or your concept design is not very well suited for the exercise, alternative arrangements can be discussed with the teaching staff. In the simulation exercise you use either an open-source or commercial CFD package to study the accuracy of the predictions in terms of resistance, wave field and wake field and the scale effects on these. You also get to explore the flow characteristics of your own design and get to propose possible improvements to the design based on the results. You will write a report on the simulations and present the results in a seminar. The weights of the report and the presentation in the final grading are 75% and 10% respectively. Further details on the simulation exercise can be found under the Assignment section.

    Help-desk sessions

    The simulation exercise is supported by two weekly online help-desk sessions (Tuesdays 8-10, Fridays 12-14). The participation in the help-desk sessions is completely optional and based on your personal need for assistance. The help-desk sessions are shared with the MEC-E2012 Computational Fluid Modelling course. For two of the sessions we will have a parallel session, in which Ville Viitanen will give you practical tips and advice on the simulation workflow. The first one of these will be on the 15th of September. The date of the second special session will be announced later.