
  • First week's material: Videos and their lecture notes, quiz and exercise

    • Lecture notes of the week.

      Video lecture in Panopto: https://aalto.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=4fb616c2-5eb1-4d05-9685-acad00b9c789

      Video lecture in YouTube (same as in Panopto):

    • Upload .pdf, .m, and .slx files according to the instructions in the exercise paper.  NOTE: Exercise document (MMD - Exercise 1 - 2021 - V2) was updated to V2 version on 12.01. The new version includes brief instructions for installing Matlab/Simulink at the start of the document. Additionally, there was a mistake in the description of task 1 d) where it was stated that the value of x should be 52.00, but it should actually be 26.00. The last hint for task 3 b) was changed to recommend using the function sgtitle instead of suptitle, as suptitle is only available if the Bioinformatics toolbox is installed. Using either function (or even some other function that achieves the same purpose) is fine. The tasks are otherwise unchanged.

    • Studenten måste skicka in enkäten för att aktiviteten ska vara fullföljd

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