Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Latest update 28.12.2020



    The grading has been done and the information has been sent to the register.

    The total grading simply like this:
    boundary 90 points -> 5
    boundary 80 points ->4
    boundary 70 points ->3

    The feedback documents have been uploaded for you, also.
    Thank you for your activity during the course and ...

    Happy New Year 2021!


    Assignment 2 - HIL Research Work Report

    has been graded,

    The total grades of the course

    • over 80 average points -> Course Grade 4
    • over 90 average points -> Course Grade 5

    Happy holidays to all of you!



    Assignment 2 - HIL Research Work Report

    Deadline changed: 14.12.2020



    Road profile model - new folder

    Exercise 11 slides updated (especially pages 37 - 39)

    Assignment 2 - HIL Research Work Report

    - Report template

    - Mailbox

    now available

    Deadline 11.12.2020

    Next session on 4.12.2020



    Assignment 2 - HIL Research Work Report

    - Report template

    - Mailbox

    now available

    Deadline 11.12.2020

    Next session on 4.12.2020

    Exercise 11 slides updated (especially pages 37 - 39)



    Exercise 11 slides added

    HIL system simulation work will continue on Friday 27.11.2020



    Exercise 10 slides added

    HIL system simulation work will continue on Friday 20.11.2020



    HIL system simulation work will start on Friday 13.11.2020

    - cylinder system -> closed loop control system

    - system mechanics

    - damper cylinder and valve system



    Benchmark assignment 3: seal model GRADED, see feedback

    The next task

    Assignment 1: Personal simulation work report

    Mailbox is already open (deadline 9.11.2020) for you to upoload:

    - report (download the Template)

    - final simulation model

    - parameter file

    Also HIL system simulation work will be started as soon as possible!



    The next task is Benchmark assignment 3: seal model

    The task after that (seal) is

    Assignment 1: Personal simulation work report

    Mailbox is already open (deadline 9.11.2020) for you to upoload:

    - report (download the Template)

    - final simulation model

    - parameter file


    Seal model benchmarking (deadline 2.11.2020), mailbox:
    Benchmark assignment 3: seal model

    Check reporting instructions:

    pages 24 - 27


    - Word file (short)

    - Simulink model

    - Parameter file -> if issues the Teacher can help instantly



    Updated pages
    - seal model
    - cylinder end force model

    Cylinder seal benchmarking (deadline: 30.10.2020)


    Exercise 7 slides

    pages 24 - 26

    - measurement file

    - cylinder end forces

    - simulation model tuning

    Overall system model report: deadline 6.11.2020



    Place your Benchmark document there

    Deadline is 12.10.2020



    Excercise 2.10.,2020

    The deadline for the 2nd Benchmarking is on 9.10.2020 (Directional Proportional Valve model)

    Instructions for Benchmarking during next session (on Friday 2.10.2020 )

    Instructions in

    - Slide set 4 UPDATE -> p. 25 and 26

    - Slide set 5 UPDATE -> p. 36 and 37



    Assignment 1 graded

    Assignment 1 (Cylinder model benchmarking): you shoud still be able to upload your file (after 25.9.2020). If this does not work, contact jyrki.kajaste@aalto.fi

    Excercise 2.10.,2020

    The deadline for the 2nd Benchmarking is on 9.10.2020 (Directional Proportional Valve model)

    Instructions for Benchmarking during next session (on Friday 2.10.2020 )


    27.9.2020 (update)

    Assignment 1 (Cylinder model benchmarking): you shoud still be able to upload your file (after 25.9.2020). If this does not work, contact jyrki.kajaste@aalto.fi


    24.9.2020 (update)

    On Friday 25.9.2020

    We will start to work on Valve model!

    However, remember to return ...

    Cylinder Benchmarking file:

    Benchmark assignment 1: cylinder model


    Exercise 3 slide set

    pages 21 - 24

    Short version:

    •Use blank Word document (or another word processor)
    • Models to be documented (copying: Edit Þ Copy Model To Clipboard)
    –Chamber A
    –Chamber B
    –Cylinder model (Þ Force)
    • Test results:
    –End values after 10 second simulation time (pA, pB, F)
    • This document material is usable in your personal simulation model report!


    17.9.2020 (update)

    On Friday 18.9, our target is to

    - finalize cylinder chamber models (A and B)

    - test cylinder model Benchmarking -> deadline for Benchmark document is Friday 25.9.2020

    - add load model

    - hopefully finalize proportional control valve model (as in slide set 3)

    Materials added under

    - Materials

    - Assignments

    - Slide set 2 (slightly updated)

    - Slide set 3 (added)


    Dear students!

    The main idea for the course realization is that the "contact teaching" will be in TEAMS:

    - simulation sessions including also some "lecturing" (on Fridays at 11.15. o'clock)

    One TEAMS link for the Friday sessions -> Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

    NEW: Remote usage of Aalto's workstations

    Check the page and possibilities, if you find it interesting:


    More info:

    https://www.aalto.fi/fi/palvelut/it-palvelut-opiskelijoille  (FI) ->Etätyö - VPN ja VDI

    https://www.aalto.fi/en/it-for-students (ENG) -> Remote Work

    If this works / (does not) ->let us know! 

    "See you" on Friday (11.9.2020)!


    Dear students!

    Please, follow the Coronavirus situation and its effects on courses: 


    General idea for this Dynamics course is that we have the possibility for remote learning by using TEAMS or corresponding platform.

    However, we will follow the instructions given by the university!

    If you will use your own computer during the course ...


    - Matlab + Simulink (https://download.aalto.fi/index-en.html)

    (Simscape toolbox is not needed for this course, but for Systems course you should have it installed)

    More information to come!

    Schedule (this version includes also the "rooms" which may be virtual this year)

    The weekly sessions are mainly hands-on based simulation model building and result analysis.