Topic outline

    • 25.5. Student Webinars

      10.15-11.00 Corporate accelerators: From expanding open innovation to startup collaborations (Yen Pham)

      Mandatory reading: Kohler, Thomas. (2016). Corporate accelerators: Building bridges between corporations and startups. Business Horizons. 59. 10.1016/j.bushor.2016.01.008.

       Voluntary reading: Freeman J, Engel JS. Models of Innovation: Startups and Mature Corporations. California Management Review. 2007;50(1):94-119. doi:10.2307/41166418

      11.15-12.00 Enabling Design Management in Organization (Sumi, Meri, and Anniina)

      Pre- assignment

      Pre-assignment for everyone:

      A panel discussion that clarifies that design thinking is not simply a design sprint, but a holistic approach, and how even design companies are distorting the concept.

      • Rethinking Design Thinking with Erika Hall, Laura Klein & Cindy Alvarez

      Design Thinking is widely used – and often misunderstood. To get some clarity, I brought together a world-class group of design experts: Erika Hall of Mule Design, Laura Klein, of Users Know, and Cindy Alvarez of Microsoft. 


      Optional material for the brave ones: 

      If you busy, read only the cartoon-like parta scenario of design leadership in an organization.

      • Bucolo. S., Wrigley. C., & Matthews. J (2012) Gaps in organizational leadership: Linking strategic and operational activities through design-led propositions. Design Management Journal, 7(1), pp. 18-28.

    • 18.5. Student webinars

      10.15-11.00 Designing for Circularity (Hilma Schönberg & Trang Vuong)

      Webinar recording:

      Hi everyone!

      As a pre-task for our student-webinar on 18.5. we ask you to watch the documentary ”David Attenborough: a life on our planet”.

      The documentary can be watched on Netflix (with subtitles) or Youtube (link below): 

      ”Our home was not limitless. There was an edge to our existence.” -David Attenborough.

      In our webinar we will be talking about circular economy - one complete/partial solution to the challenges presented in the documentary.

      See you next week,

      Hilma & Trang

      11.15-12.00 HCD and Agile (Wenqian Pan & Anna Luhtakanta)

      Webinar recording:

      This is for our Lean UX pre-assignment

    • 11.5. Student-webinars

      10.15-11.00 The Outcome in the design process - how to ensure your project gets implemented (Riia-Leena, Prashant & Diana) 

      Webinar recording:

      Pre-assignments: fill in this survey: and read this article:

      11.15-12.00 Designing for sustainability: Product-Service Systems (Tuukka)

      Webinar recording:

      Hello, friends!

      Pre-assingments for the webinar: 


      Chen, C. (2018). Guidance on the Conceptual Design of Sustainable Product–Service Systems. Sustainability, 10, 2452.

    • 4.5. Student-webinars

      10.15-11.00 Moona & Lou: Future of technology in services and service recovery 


      Dear fellow students,

      next week we are going to be talking to you about the future of technology in services and service recovery.

      For this we would like you to read into Wirtz et al. 2018 (Brave new world: service robots in the frontline) to get a general idea of what technology and robotics in services can do. The first 9 pages will already give you an idea. Of course you are free to also read the rest of the paper, but this is voluntary.

      For deeper insights please refer to Choi et al. 2020 or this 
      interview of Jochen Wirtz (link: . However, the learnings from these will be covered in the lecture.

      Choi et al. 2020 : To Err Is Human(-oid): How Do Consumers React to Robot Service Failure and Recovery? DOI: 10.1177/1094670520978798

      Moona & Lou

      11.15-12.00 Binta & Phong: Rethinking last-mile delivery from a customer perspective: post Covid-19


      The pre-task for our webinar is a short survey to get participants introduced to our topic. Here is the link:

    • 27.4. Student webinars: 11:15-12.00 Storytelling and Pitching: Narrative structures and strategies of the entrepreneurial and design pitch (Tamil Selvi and Zach Rubens)

      Slides and recording: 

      Mandatory readingDavid Parkinson & Laura Warwick (2017) Stimulating Thinking at the Design Pitch. Storytelling Approach and Impact, The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S4509-S4518, DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2017.1352947

      Optional reading: van Werven, Ruben, Onno Bouwmeester, and Joep P. Cornelissen. "Pitching a business idea to investors: How new venture founders use micro-level rhetoric to achieve narrative plausibility and resonance." International Small Business Journal 37.3 (2019): 193-214.

    • 20.4. Optional clinic and webinar on the course assignments

      Webinar slides and recording:

      I also promised to provide two webinar examples from previous course. Here are the links: 

      Design for Sustainability Transition (Heike, Valeska & Lea):

      Locating visual identity systems in the business model design process (Jon & Austen):

    • 6.4. Webinar 6: How to write a literature review (no live webinar)

      Read this article first: Webster, J., & Watson, R. T. (2002). Analyzing the past to prepare for the future: Writing a literature review. MIS quarterly, xiii-xxiii.

      Watch this recording on How to write a literature review by Niina (copy-paste link):

      Post questions here if you have any.

    • 30.3. Webinar 5: Work and organizational design (Niina Nurmi)

      Webinar recording (copy-paste link):

      and webinar slides

      Learning objectives

          -Identifying how organizations and jobs are designed for better outcomes

          -Applying design thinking to designing "futureproof" organizations

      Mandatory reading

      Gruber, M., De Leon, N., George, G., & Thompson, P. (2015). Managing by design. Academy of Management Journal, 58(1), 1-7.

      Optional readings

      Burton, R. M., & Obel, B. (2018). The science of organizational design: fit between structure and coordination. Journal of Organization Design, 7(1), 1-13.

      Fjeldstad, Ø. D., Snow, C. C., Miles, R. E., Lettl, C. 2012. The architecture of collaboration. Strategic Management Journal, 33(6):734–775.

      Gibson, C. B., Gibbs, J. L., Stanko, T., Tesluk, P., & Cohen, S. G. 2011. Including “I” in virtual and modern job design: Extending the job characteristics model to include the moderating effect of individual experiences of electronic dependence and copresence. Organization Science, 22(6): 1481–1499.

      Grant, A. M., & Parker, S. K. 2009. Redesigning work design theories: The rise of relational and proactive perspectives. Academy of Management Annals, 3(1): 317–375.

      Humphrey, S. E., Nahrgang, J. D., & Morgeson, F. P. 2007. Integrating motivational, social, and contextual work design features: A meta-analytic summary and theoretical extension of the work design literature. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(5): 1332–1356.

      Oldham, G., & Hackman, J. 2010. Not what it was and not what it will be: The future of job design research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31(2–3): 463–479.

      Oldham, G., & Fried, Y. 2016. Job design research and theory: Past, present and future. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 136(1): 20-35.

      Puranam, P., Alexy, O., Reitzig, M. (2014) What’s “new” about new forms of organizing? Academy of Management Review, 39(2): 162–180

      Romme A. G. L. 2003. Making a difference: organization as design. Organization Science, 14(5): 558–573

      Schein, E. H. & Van Maanen, J. 2016. Career anchors and job/role planning: Tools for career and talent management. Organizational Dynamics, 45, 165-173.

      Sonnentag, S. 2015. Dynamics of well-being. The Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2, 261-293.

      Van de Ven, A. H., Ganco, M., & Hinings, C. R. 2013. Returning to the frontier of contingency theory of organizational and institutional designs. Academy of Management Annals,  7(1): 393-440.

    • 23.3. Webinar 4: Supporting the change from problem-driven to experience-driven design process 

      Webinar recording (copy paste link):

      and webinar slides.

      If you are interested, here are the articles:

      Hildén, E., Väätäjä, H., Roto, V., & Uusitalo,K. (2016). Participatory development of user experience design guidelines for a B2B company. In Proceedings of the 20th International Academic Mindtrek Conference (pp. 49-58). ACM.

      Väätäjä, H., Hildén, E., Roto, V., & Uusitalo, K. (2016). A Case Study on Participatory Approach to Support Shift to Experience Design of Work Tools in B2B Context. International Conference on Information Systems.


      In this session, I will talk about my Master's thesis project. I would actually want you to come to the session without knowing too much in advance of my project, process etc. Therefore the pre-tasks are not very traditional type.

      I'd like you to think about the brief that I got when starting my thesis, and write down with few sentences how you would approach the topic. Do this in Miro:

      Optional pre-task is to watch the movie Inception. It's one of my all time favourites and it inspired me in my thesis process. You can watch the movie at least in Netflix.

    • 16.3. Webinar 3: Qualitative analysis in design research (Ville Eloranta)

      Pre tasks:


      • Read article and identify the parts you possibly find hard to understand: Gioia, D. A., Corley, K. G., & Hamilton, A. L. (2013). Seeking qualitative rigor in inductive research: Notes on the Gioia methodology. Organizational research methods16(1), 15-31.
      • Watch a short video on qualitative coding and analysis: 


      Bring the results of your analysis to the 16.3. session (e.g., annotated PDF, photo of your work). We will continue qualitative analysis in your groups.

      REMEMBER: do the pre-task individually!


      • Miro board
      • Slides
      • Recording (copy-paste link)

      Additional readings

      • Charmaz, K. (2014). Constructing Grounded Theory 2nd Edition Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks.
      • Eriksson, P., & Kovalainen, A. (2015). Qualitative methods in business research: A practical guide to social research. Sage.

    • Webinar 2: The future of design thinking (Elina Hildén) 

      Webinar recording:

      Webinar slides:

      Pre-study materials: 

    • Webinar 1: Course introduction and practicalities

      Webinar recording, slides and Miro board.