Osion kuvaus

  • General

    We have made the following changes to the course due to corona and its side-effects:

    • The lectures will be organized remotely. There will be a short pre-recorded video (approximately 30 minuts). The purpose of the video is to give an overview of the topics of the week. The details have to be studied from the lecture notes. In addition, there will be a possibility to ask questions from the lecturer using chat and/or zoom-meeting. We will see which way works best.
    • Exercise classes will be organized at the university in large enough spaces according to the original schedule.
    • Do not come to the university if you are sick. You can ask help from chat remotely.
    • If one of the assistants gets a little bit sick, the exercise class will be moved online (this may happen on very short notice) i.e. the teacher will give help in chat during the usual time.
    • If an assistant is so sick that s/he cannot teach at all, then you can still use chat, but you might need to wait for help.
    • There is also a zoom channel that is always open and where you can meet other students to discuss the assignments etc.
    • All solutions to the homework assignments will be collected using MyCourses.
    • It is possible to register to group "H04 (remote)", which will not have meetings on campus.
    • Students from all groups can get help for the exercises using MyCourses-chat groups.

    Course info

    Welcome to the PDE course. The learning objective of this course is to understand fundamental phenomena and techniques related to PDEs that are relevant in mathematics, physics and engineering.

    The PDE course will be lectured in English. The course will be 12 weeks long and will run during  teaching periods I-II.  The tutorial sessions will start in the first week of lectures and will run every week. Homework assignments can be found on Assignments page.

    Course practices will be discussed in the first lecture (in zoom) on Monday 07 September 2020 at 14.15-15.00. It is important to attend the first lecture even though information is also available in MyCourses. We have adopted a flipped classroom model for the course. The participants are expected to study the announced pages of the lecture notes before each lecture. There will be pre-lecture yes or no problems with deadlines at the beginning of each lecture, except of the first lecture.

    Enrollment: Please sign in for the course in WebOodi by choosing the tutorial session that you will attend. If you do not plan to attend contact teaching, please choose group "H04 (remote)". Enrol also to the lectures (due to some technical problems with group H04).

    Exams: The course exam will be on 14 December 2020. By signing in the course you will automatically sign in also for the course exam. There is a separate final exam for those, who are not participating in the course. The credit points for homework and pre-lecture assignments are not valid in future final exams.

    Grading: 40% course exam, 45% homework assignments and 15% pre-lecture assignments.

    Instructor:  Riikka Korte (riikka.korte@aalto.fi). 

    Head assistant: Cintia Pacchiano (cintia.pacchiano@aalto.fi) (H01)

    Assistants:  Oscar Kaatranen (oscar.kaatranen@aalto.fi) (H02 and H03)

    Prashanta Garain (prashanta.garain@aalto.fi) (online help)