
  • Spring 2021 Edition

    The official language of the course is English. We'll have two live lectures per week on Zoom. All lectures will be recorded and uploaded using Aalto services. Lecture notes are in typeset form, but not finished. The current plan is to update the document as we go. Ridgway Scott's book will be available as a PDF file. The lectures are inspired by Greenbaum & Chartier, which is the recommended text book. There is a new promising book by Ovall on its way but it will not be adopted before 2022.

    This course is a gentle introduction to numerical analysis and is suitable for all engineering and mathematically oriented business school students. This is a mathematics course, that is, all computation has to be purposeful with clear understanding of errors and convergence properties of the methods. Given the varying interests of the students, many different paths for demonstrating learning (getting the credits in Aaltospeak) are available. Having said that, every path shares the same core material of the five exercise sets and MyCo quizzes. Almost every exercise set is structured as a Russian doll, where every subproblem develops on the previous one starting from theory and ending in implementation (MATLAB). Theory problems are submitted online, they are graded by our TAs, but scripts are subject to peer review. Simple model problems are graded with MyCo provided quiz tools.

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      This is the preliminary grading: Normalisation (quiz 10%) (homework 50%) (MATLAB 20%) (Learning diary/home exam 20%)

      Assuming max 100pts: 1: 40, 2:50, 3: 60: 4: 70: 5: 80 (The so-called early Xmas present scale)

      Updated: 8.35, Jun 22, 2021

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      Weekly schedule as planned. Fixed the Ascension Day lecture date. (As of Tue 4, May 2021)

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      There are at least four different options available.

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      Here is a nice, concise explanation on what a learning diary is. This is shamelessly copied from a copy of the original in University of Helsinki. Use your own voice, add figures, draw, scribble, go wild. This could become a useful reference for you at the later stages of your studies, who knows.

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      A collection of questions by various students (and staff).