Topic outline

  • The project workshop is held on Mon 19 Oct 2020 at 13:00-15:45 online at


    The project work will focus on a subject chosen by the student, among a list of themes proposed by the teachers. 

    This is a reading exercise where a group of 1-2 students reads a selected research article related to the course theme. Based on the article, the group writes an essay of 3-4 pages and prepares a 15-20 min presentation where the following four key points will be discussed:

    1. Objective: What is the goal of the research?
    2. Motivation: Why is the research worth carrying out?
    3. Results: What are the main results obtained?
    4. Evaluation: What is your own estimate of the usefulness of the results?

    Important dates

    • Tue 6 Oct 2020 12:00. You should email to the lecturer a copy of the article that you propose to read.
    • Mon 19 Oct 2020 13:00-16.00. Project workshop (online via Zoom) where presentations are given. You should email your written essay as pdf attachment to the lecturer.
    If you cannot attend the project workshop and give a presentation, you can compensate this by writing a longer essay of 6-8 pages.
    • Project topics

      Presenter(s) Author(s) Title
      William Schaub, Segarra, Tsitsiklis 2020
      Blind identification of stochastic block models from dynamical observations
      Julia & Meike De Benedictis, Leoni 2020  Gender bias in the Erasmus network of universities
      Jakob Bonato et al. 2020 The iterated local directed transitivity model for social networks
      Elmer Bonato, Meger 2020 Iterated global models for complex networks
      Kalle & Rustam Young, Cantwell, Newman 2020 Robust Bayesian inference of network structure from unreliable data
      Kimmo Torres et al. 2020

      Node immunization with non-backtracking eigenvalues

      Tuomas Kaminski, Pralat, Thebergé 2020 A scalable unsupervised framework for comparing graph embeddings
      Teemu & Ville Romanini, Lehmann, Kivelä 2020 Privacy and uniqueness of neighborhoods in social networks
      Miikka Antelmi et al. 2020 Information diffusion in complex networks: A model based on hypergraphs and Its analysis
      Trang & Roope

      Cloteaux 2017

      One-pass graphic approximation of integer sequences

      Huy Richter et al. 2020 Introducing a general class of species diversification models for phylogenetic trees