Topic outline

    • Assignment icon

      Upload your project idea as text here before the second contact session. Describe the general focus of your assessment, and the reasons you selected this one as your topic. (Length around 200-500 chars - around 1/2-1 pages; Upload as PDF/Word, or type directly in MyCourses)

      We'll continue with your project ideas on session #2...

      Please note: This text is possible to use also in your project report as its introduction

    • Assignment icon

      As a final course assignment you will produce a project report of your assessment

      The project report should be a 5-10 pages long PDF document with: 
      1) description of the project idea, 2) project context research (inventory, system boundaries, life phases), supported with selected tools (e.g. EcoDesign strategy wheel, META matrix, CES fact-finding sheet), and 3) the eco-auditing process and its 4) results.

      Please include some desk research, findings from eco-auditing process, and reflection on background research and context. Include some images/screenshots of your assessment.

      • 5-10 pages long PDF document (+ possible appendices)
      • Can be written report or more visual presentation
      • Final report on project work is due 21.2.
      • Upload to MyCourses (if late then email directly to

      Structure of a project report is rather open, but should include:

      1. Description of your objective in your assessment project
      2. Description of system boundaries, stakeholders (primary, secondary), product components or compared products/materials
      3. Reflection on all life phases of the product-service system under study (with tools like Ecodesign strategy wheel; META matrix; CES fact-finding; or can be simply text)
      4. Description of the actual assessment and eco-auditing process
      5. (Short) description on overall process and findings
      6. Reflection on the initial problem context and progress of your work