Topic outline

  • To complete this unit you need to

    1. Participate the introductory lecture (optional) or watch the introduction videos
    2. Get access to the course materials stored in the Zotero library.
    3. Read the instructions for written assignments and plagiarism policy.
    4. Complete the unit 1 discussion forum task according to the instructions that will be posted to the forum.
    5. Choose a group to indicate what you want to learn. The course content may be customized based on the choice.
    6. Do pre-exam signup.
    7. Study for the pre-exam and complete the pre-exam.

    The purpose of the introduction unit is to familiarize you with how a blended learning course works. The unit starts with an introductory lecture, followed by a short introductory forum task. The introductory unit concludes with the course pre-exam.