
    • Please tell us about yourself and your goals in this course! 

    • This is a schedule of the assignment tasks for each section of UWAS-C0056. Assignments are due by 12:00-noon on Monday in order to give time to the teachers to review them and prepare for the discussion the next day. 

    • Fil icon
      Assignment 1: Creating a Concept of a World Fil
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      Description of the task, incuding some basic terminology and one reference source about Virtual Worlds.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Assignment 1: Virtual World Concept Inlämningsuppgift
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      Please upload your completed assignment here.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Assigment 2: Create an information architecture of your world Inlämningsuppgift
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      An information architecture (IA) is a design tool that can be used to depict the resources and assets that are used to create your world. Here you will consider what are the elements that are needed to compose the world. The IA will help you to understand how the elements in your world fit together enabling you to plan and quantify what is needed. The description attached includes an example. 

      Please upload your completed assignment here.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Assignment 3: Bringing the interaction into your world Inlämningsuppgift
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      You will need to define the interaction patterns in your world experience. Using a narrative is a good way to begin to outline the experience. The narrative can include key points in a journey as well as sequentially organised scenes. An interaction matrix is a tool that we developed to keep track of all the items that are involved in each of the narrative scenes.

      Please upload your completed assignment here.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Assignment 4a: Prepare and present your world project Inlämningsuppgift
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      For your final presentation on 1 December 2020, please submit your presentation slides and the storyboard. Be prepared to present your results.


      • Storyboard of your world (pdf)
      • Presentation Slides (pdf)

      Please upload your completed assignment here.

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      Assignment 4b: Pre-submission for world projects Inlämningsuppgift
      Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör någon grupp

      Make a build for the Quest (.apk file) and upload it to MyCourses. We make all submissions available within the course, so everyone gets to try your experience. This is also crucial for discussing the experience beyond your presentation material.


      • Quest build (.apk file)

      Please upload your completed assignment here.

    • Please submit your final world.


      • A written summary of your world (pdf)
      • Final Quest build (.apk)