
  • Theme lecture

    The theme lecture is available at the following web-page:

    Prezi presentation of the water scarcity

    Group work

    See Miro board for fact sheet and group division

    Hands-on exercise

    For the hands-on exercise, we will provide you with a new demo script. All data was given already during the first week.

    In the beginning of the hands-on session, we will fetch the demo script together. However, you can pull the demo script already before the session and browse it through if you'd like. If you'd like to watch a recap on how a git pull is performed, see the beginning of the first workshop recording below.

    Video: pulling new changes (approx. 0:00-5:00)

    This time, there is no extra data provided with this exercise. However, feel free to use any data you've explored so far in this week's home assignment to support your analysis.

    Home assignment

    Discover water scarcity trends in your study area 


    1. please develop your own research question
    2. produce EITHER one page infographic (see Visualisation tab) OR 'tradional' one page poster (A4/A3) with following structure: a) title; b) research question and short introduction; c) maps, graphs, etc of the results with captions d) interpretation of the results
    3. you can get help to possible problems by a) searching from internet: there are many people with similar problems; b) posting question to the R Q&A channel in Teams; c) coming to Thursday workshop, or d) asking us or your fellow students directly
    4. once you are happy with the end result, please submit the work (see below Submission)

    Graph types: stacked area graph (http://www.datavizcatalogue.com/methods/stacked_area_graph.html) or similar graph (such as trajectory) to illustrate changes over time

    Research ideas

    • water scarcity trajectory over time
    • drivers (i.e. water use sectors) of water scarcity over time

    : please submit the assignment by using the submission icon below. 

    Thursday workshop

    On Thursday we have a workshop at Zoom. This week no specific Illustrator tutorial is given, but I can recap with the issues you would like to go back to / know more. 

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Please submit the 5th home assignment here; instructions are given in the main page. 

      Please remember: submission is due on Mon 24.5 at 23:55. Should you submit the assingment late, you'll get only half of the points. The submission will be completely closed on 31.5, after which you are not able to submit the assignment. 

      Before submission, please check:

      • your home assignment fits to one page
      • the format of the submission is pdf
      • assignment includes stacked area graph or similar graph (such as trajectory) to illustrate changes over time