
  • Theme lecture

    The theme lecture is available at the following web-page:

    Prezi presentation of the food production

    Hands-on exercise

    For the hands-on exercise, we will provide you with a new demo script. All data was given already during the first week.

    In the beginning of the hands-on session, we will fetch the demo script together. However, you can pull the demo script already before the session and browse it through if you'd like. If you'd like to watch a recap on how a git pull is performed, see the beginning of the first workshop recording below.

    Video: pulling new changes (approx. 0:00-5:00)

    Written instructions on how to update course material are given below.

    1. Open your project from the wp-course-2021.Rproj file
    2. In RStudio, select Tools -> Shell or use the "Terminal" tab next to the "Console" tab
    3. Verify that the shell is in the wp-course-2021 folder. In Aalto VDI, the current directory of the shell is highlighted in yellow. If there's  a cyan (master) tag after the path, the shell is in the correct directory. Changing directories can be done with the command cd path/to/directory.

    4. Commit any previous work according to the instructions in this video. The working tree should be clean as shown below. The output before the working tree can be "Your branch is XXX commits ahead of 'origin/master'" but that is expected and nothing special needs to be done for it.

    5. Type git pull into the shell and press enter.
    6. The shell pulls the changes from the version control system to your folder wp-course-2021.
    7. If you pull again, you should get "Already up to date." which means that you're good to go.

    In addition to the domestic food production data introduced in the demo, we provide you with additional datasets on food supply and the prevalence of different BMI classes. See more in the Supporting materials (R and Data) tab.

    Home assignment

    1. Discover global / regional / river basin food production and land use 


    1. please develop your own research question
    2. produce one page (A4/A3; preferably landscape) with following structure: a) title; b) research question and short introduction; c) TABLES and maps, graphs, etc of the results with captions d) interpretation of the results
    3. you can get help to possible problems by a) searching from internet: there are many people with similar problems; b) posting question to the R Q&A channel in Teams; c) coming to Thursday workshop, or d) asking us or your fellow students directly
    4. once you are happy with the end result, please submit the work (see below Submission)

    This weeks illustration typetables and histograms; include either one to the home assignment! See example charts under 'Visualisation guides and examples' -tab 

    Example research questions

    • How the cropland and pasture areas (and food production) have developed in relation to population?
    • Has the planetary boundary of landuse crossed in your study area, if so, when?
    • Is the food production adequate in your study area? If not, what kind of measures have been udnertaking to reach it.
    • In which precipitation and/or temperature zones food production is concentrated in your study area?

    : please submit the assignment by using the submission icon below. 

    2. Mid-course feedback

    We would highly appreciate your feedback on how things are going with the course and how we could improve it. Please use few minutes and fill the questionary at the end of the section. We would appreciate if you could fill it!!

    Thursday workshop

    On Thursdays we have a workshop at Zoom in where you can get help on the home assignment and project work. At the beginning, we'll give a short lecture on how to make nice tables to your report

    Illustrator video:

    Illustrator part 3 - tables (year 2020)

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Please submit the first assignment here; instructions are given in the main page. 

      Please remember: submission is due on Mon 10.5. at 23:55. Should you submit the assingment late, you'll get only half of the points. The submission will be closed completely on 17.5, after which you are not able to submit the assignment. 

      Before submission, please check:

      • your home assignment fits to one page
      • the format of the submission is pdf
      • assignment includes either a table or a histogram