
  • Step 1 (Approval of the planned work placement):

    Agree on a work placement with the responsible teacher ( samuli.aalto@aalto.fi ) by sending an email where you briefly introduce yourself and describe the planned work placement (including the planned working period).

    Step 2 (Personalized learning plan):

    Before you start your work placement, submit a description (ca. 1 page = 500 words) on your personal learning goals for the training period. Mention also your programme and major, the organization and position where you are working for the professional training, your advisor there, and the period of the planned work placement. Submission is done by email to the responsible teacher ( samuli.aalto@aalto.fi ).

    Step 3 (Work placement itself):

    Work as a member of a business or non-profit organization in a position that is relevant for your professional skills development.

    Step 4 (Personal expert profile):

    After the work placement has ended, submit an essay (ca. 2 pages = 1000 words), where you reflect on your expertise improvement during the training period. Reflect your improvement relative to your studies and the personal learning goals that you set earlier. Mention also your programme and major, the organization and position where you were working for the professional training, your advisor there, and the period of the realized work placement. Submission is done by email to the responsible teacher ( samuli.aalto@aalto.fi ).

    Step 5 (Proof of the work placement): 

    Agree on an appointment to show your employment certificate by sending an email to the responsible teacher ( samuli.aalto@aalto.fi ).