CHEM-EV - Kemira Next 100 Years Boot Camp, 02.11.2020-18.11.2020
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 18.11.2020 Etsi kursseja: CHEM-EV
Osion kuvaus
The variable content course belongs to a series of bioeconomy boot camps that both the participating companies and the students have praised. Unlike in most courses, the student teams work on real-life business challenges in the company premises together with the company experts and leaders.
CHEM-EV Kemira Next 100 Years Boot Camp (2 cr) is a real life challenge course where multidisciplinary student teams present business scenarios/cases for an established solution provider for process efficiency, sustainable bioeconomy and clean water. The high profile course includes an introduction to the challenge, prework on own time and a two day’s boot camp. Due to the Covid 19 situation, all meetings will be organized virtually. Kemira professionals will tutor the teams for their proposals to be pitched in front of the jury of the company managers and university representatives. During the boot camp, the whole competence network of Kemira will be available to the teams on request.
A maximum of 25 students will be accepted with a target of creating 5 multidisciplinary teams of 5 students. After enrolling in WebOodi, fill in the application form to the course under Assignments on the course homepage in MyCourses.
2.11.2020 at 14-17: Introduction to the challenge
3-16.11.2020: Prework in teams on own time
17.11.2020 at 8:30-17: Working in teams facilitated and supported by Kemira experts
18.11.2020 at 8:30-16: Working in teams continues + pitching competitionLearning outcomes: Working in multidisciplinary teams, working with real life problems, presentation skills.
Evaluation: Pass/Fail