Osion kuvaus

  • The three-credit version of the course include two interconnected assignments. The assignments enable the students to document their motives, expectations, initial leadership principles, experiences on team building, experiences on leading a team in the event, and finally reflecting on these experiences, and fine-tuning their principles. The reflections are supported with appropriate articles on voluntary motivation, team building, and leadership. The assignments will be discussed in the workshops. The links to the articles can be found within the assignment texts.

    All assignments must be reported to the same document. Title of the document is: Reflections on Junction Leadership Experience. Write your name and student number on the title page. Use page numbering. Use a basic font and a font size (e.g. Calibri, 11 pt); line spacing 1,3; basic margins (e.g.2,54 all). The format must be .pdf. Name the document as JLE_essay_"assignment number"_"familyname"(for example: JLE_essay_1_Ylitalo). The course language is English but you may also write your essays in Finnish or Swedish. The essays must be written in full sentences (no bullet points -style). The length of the essays is not limited. More reflective you are in your considerations more beneficial the exercise will be for you!