Topic outline

  • General

    • Not available unless: Your Email address contains

      GRADING 2020

      Points and grades 21.12.2020

      St# Project work Exam Total Grade
      550275 64 22 86 4
      585185 56 27 83 4
      586537 63 26 89 5
      586621 63 28 91 5
      592301 57 28 85 4
      593627 57 28 85 4
      597526 65 28 93 5
      650337 64 24 88 4
      653787 63 29 92 5
      655659 57 22 79 4
      656755 56 27 83 4
      796408 64 27 91 5
      913773 65 26 91 5
      917274 65 25 90 5

      Points and grade

      Grade Lo Hi
      0 0 40
      1 41 52
      2 53 64
      3 65 76
      4 77 88
      5 89 100

    • Not available unless: Your Email address contains

      Exam date and time - Doodle-poll link

      Proposed days 15.12.2020 or 17.12.2020

      Voting deadline 17.11.2020


      Timeline and structure for the course

      Note: The excercises will be most probably arranged as virtual labs due to CoVid restrictions. Real data is available and will be analysed.