Osion kuvaus

    • Turnitin Tehtävä 2 icon

      Here you submit your essay-report on a chosen emerging country. The Turnitin system will check your submission for plagiarism. 6% of plagiarism is oficially OK.

      Please, note, the plagiarism Turnitin system is not perfect, unfourtunately. Hence, if you get high percentage of plagiarism but you are sure that there is no real plagiarism in your essay, please, contact me. I will check and inform you, if there is a problem or not.

      The essay-report is due on 10.03.2020, 23.59 midnight. Hence, you submit it after presentation.

    • Tehtävä icon

      Here you submit the power-point presentation.

      The power-point presentation is due on “07.02.2020”, 23.59 midnight.

    • Tiedosto icon

      You find the instructions in the attached file.