
  • Partitive case / Partitiivi
    Exercise 7 (page 64)

    • Revise partitive by watching a video in MyCourses: ”Partitive case (lightboard video)”
    • Exercises 6 and 8 (pages 64-65)
    • Adjectives: exercise 5 (page 60)
    • Pre task for lesson 11: video ”At a kiosk” in MyCourses
    Written assignment 2: ”My Day”. Write 100 words with a topic “My day”. Tell how your normal day looks like. Use verbs from different verb types and if you want to practice food vocabulary, you can include a visit to a grocery store in your story. You can also practice time by telling at what time you normally are doing this and that. Send a word document to Nelli via e-mail latest on Wednesday 17.2.

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen Suomi 1 Aalto open
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      Power points 10.2. Fil PPTX
    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen Suomi 1 Aalto open
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      Partitive exercises 1 Fil DOCX
    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen Suomi 1 Aalto open
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      Homework. Partitive Case (lightboard video) Sida
    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen Suomi 1 Aalto open
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      Pre task for lesson 11: At a kiosk Sida