Topic outline

    • Visitors/keynote speakers: study psychologists

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Materials of study psychologists File PPTX

      Materials by Aalto-level study psychologists Paula Sjöblom and Hannu Pesonen
      Keynote and oral talk by Paula S.

    • Assignments for the next session

      Intructions and submission boxes for teaching observations are in the Teaching observations section.
      More detailed instructions for the following tasks can be found inside the activities.

      • Digital Teaching Tools assignment (DL 1.3.)
      • Aalto University Code of Conduct, e-course (DL 3.3.)
      • Orientation for the Day 4: Questions about AllWell? or student wellbeing? (DL 3.3.)
      + in Teaching observations section: Submit the observation report(s)
    • MyCourses

      As a teaching assistant, you might assist with some course activities in MyCourses.
      MyCourses is a Moodle-based learning platform used at Aalto University.

      Fun facts about Moodle and MyCourses

      • Moodle is an open-source learning platform.
      • Moodle is used in 242 countries.
      • MyCourses includes 28 activities.
      • Recently added activities are Course Diaries and Panopto.

      The following video presents the basic features of MyCourses and how to add these features. After watching the video, go to the discussion forum to share your best learning experiences in courses. 

    • Now, think about a course where you have been as a student, and of which you have positive learning experiences on the use of MyCourses. If you can remember the name of a course, even better.

      What worked especially well in the course?
      Instructions? Different activities? Learning materials (videos or other visual materials)?
      Group communication or other collaboration spaces?

      Post your experience and share it with others future teaching assistants. You'll see others' asnwers after posting your own.
      This activity is automatically marked as completed after posting at least one post.
    • This is the link to the Aalto University e-course on its code of conduct. Completing this e-course is a mandatory requirement to pass this course. Please complete it and mark it as done in the completion progress bar on your MyCourse page when you have completed it. The deadline for completing this e-course is x.x.2020, but you can do it now already.

      After reading the text, you can mark this activity as completed by clicking the check mark in the right corner.

    • 1. Watch the video about AllWell?: .
      Please note:
      English subtitles can be selected at the bottom of the video window.

      2. Post here at least 1 question or idea: What would you like to know about AllWell? or student study wellbeing at Aalto, or what do you think is especially important in relation to student study wellbeing at Aalto? You'll see others' questions after posting at least one.

      If you are interested, more information about student well-being at Curriculum design, course planning and student well-being: three things to take into account
      This activity is automatically marked as completed after posting at least one post.
    • If you could not attend the session or face technical difficulties during the session, please read the slides for day 3.

      Please do this this assignment, if you were present less than half of the session.

      Please read also carefully the slides by study psychologist Paula Sjöblom

      The materials contain four fictional student profiles describing how they act in learning situations.

      Pick a student profile (one of the four) of your choice and think about the following questions:

      • Why does the student act as he or she does?
      • What are the the consequences for their learning?
      • How might this student behave in class? What does this look like in the eyes of the teaching assistant and to the other students?
      • What could the teaching assistant do to help this student?

      Write about one (1) A4 page of text describing your thoughts and reflections and submit it here by Wednesday 3.3.2021