RES Project managers
This workspace is for checking drafts and final versions of documents before being sent onwards. On submission, a Turnitin similarity report is generated automatically. The report shows similarities between the submitted text and sources in the comparison databases. By exposing similar text, the report supports good, orignal writing, and it helps prevent unintended or intended plagiarism.
Drafts submitted to the Drafts submission box will not be stored in Turnitin's standard repository. The similarity report is generated by comparing the submitted draft with all documents in the standard repository as well as other drafts in this submission box. The final version of the document submitted to the Final version submission box is archived in Turnitin's standard paper repository so as to protect it against plagiarism. The similarity report of the submitted document is generated by comparing the submission with all documents in the standard repository.
Read the Aalto University Turnitin instructions, especially the part on how to interpret a Turnitin similarity report. Although the documentation is directed towards teachers and students, the instructions for teachers tell you, among oter things, how to add new Turnitin submission boxes for new documents, whereas the instructions for students will guide you on how to submit documents.
This workspace closes on 31.12.2023. Please request an extension or a new workspace well in time before it closes.