Osion kuvaus

  • Welcome!

    After the course, the participant will be able to:

    • take into account the principles of constructive alignment in programme development.
    • apply the general guidelines and process for curriculum development in developing your degree programme
    • co-develop the degree programme together with the teaching team involved in the programme
    • apply different tools (e.g. curriculum mapping, workload calculation) in developing the learning outcomes, content and pedagogical solutions of the degree programme
    • make a plan for continuous development in the degree programme
    Main topics in the course:
    • Constructive alignment in the programme curriculum
    • Assessment of the curriculum
    • Co-development 
    • Tools for curriculum development
    • Continuous development of the curriculum

    Schedule in spring 2021 - online sessions
    • Fri 9.4. at 9:00-12:00
    • Fri 24.4. at 9:00-12:00
    • Fri 21.5. at 9:00-12:00
    • Fri 11.6. at 9:00-12:00

    • In addition to these you will have at least one meeting with your group's mentor and meetings with your group

    Course teachers

    Teacher-in-charge Kirsti Keltikangas (kirsti.keltikangas@aalto.fi), pedagogical specialist

    Other teachers Noora Jaakkola (u-level Learning services), Tiina Pylkkönen (ped. specialist at ARTS)