Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Zoom link for lectures: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/61259950858
    Meeting ID: 612 5995 0858

    Can nanotechnology save the world (or at least the energy sector)? How has it been used in contemporary energy art? What are its industrial, commercial and societal perspectives in energy technologies? - Join the special course and find out, no prior knowledge on the topic is required, just excitement and interest!



    The course is a multidisciplinary special course in Advanced Energy, Physics-Chemistry and Material Science covering diverse topics on nanotechnology in energy conversion and storage, such as nanostructured solar cells, fuel cells, batteries and preparing synthetic fuels from atmospheric carbon dioxide. We not only cover the different applications’ materials and operational principles, but also business and societal perspectives - for instance how solar cells have been utilized in contemporary art.

    There will be learning sessions ranging from online lectures to discussions and interviews. In the learning sessions, the best domestic and foreign experts disseminate their cutting-edge knowledge on the topics in a generally understandable and interesting manner.

    The course will be highly interactive in the online learning environment. There is mandatory reading material for most of the learning sessions and there will be discussions during the learning sessions. Alternative learning methods will be utilized to bring an active atmosphere to the course.

    The students will produce project work in small groups, whose topic can be anything from a scientific study to a piece of expressive art. The project work will be presented at the end of the course. Student produces also learning diaries and a report on some other topic than the project work.


    Course level and pre-requisite

     No previous university-level knowledge of nanotechnology or energy technologies is required (high school level knowledge/interest in physics and chemistry is recommended). Students from all schools of Aalto University including Bachelor's, Master’s and PhD degree students are welcome to join the course due to the diverse nature of the course and the study level will be kept approachable, as well as how the course can be completed.


    Learning outcomes

     After completion of the course you will be able to

    • understand the basics of nanotechnology in energy conversion and storage technologies
    • apply nano into various research, development and planning tasks on new energy systems
    • Identify how nanoenergy could fit into arts, business and technology

    Course structure and workload

    - 10 learning sessions in periods III&IV:  Fridays 10:15 - 12:00, Virtual mode

    - Joint project work in groups

    - Report (Preferably around 1 page)

    - Learning diaries of the lectures (Minimum requirement 5 learning diaries, around 500 words each)

    - Prereading material for the learning sessions

    - No exam


    Evaluation criteria: Grade 1-5

    - 50% attendance in the lectures is mandatory.

    - Project work: 70% of the grade

    - Learning diaries of any 5 learning sessions: 20 % 

    - Report (min 1 page, max 5 pages): 10%


    Co-teachers: Dr. Kerttu Aitola and Dr. Imran Asghar, New Energy Technologies Group, Dept. of Applied Physics, Aalto University School of Science


    Tentative schedule


    Lecture #




    Lecture 1

    Dr. Imran Asghar, SCI and Dr. Kerttu Aitola, SCI 

    Intro, Nanotechnology, Expectations/feedback, Group formation


    Lecture 2

    Dr. Kerttu Aitola, SCI

    Dye solar cells, Organic solar cells


    Lecture 3

    Prof. Idil Gaziulusoy, ARTS & Dr. Imran Asghar, SCI

    Societal impact of nanoenergy technologies & Battery technologies


    Lecture 4

    Dr. Mikko Juntunen, ElFys Oy & Dr. Mikael Syväjärvi, Alminica AB (Sweden)

    Black silicon solar cells, Photovoltaic industry & Innovation capacity, commercialization, silicon carbide solar cells


    Project work presentations 1


    Lecture 5

    Dr. Janne Halme, SCI & Doctoral student Bart Vandeput, ARTS 

    Dye solar cell art



    Lecture 6

    Dr. Imran Asghar, SCI

    Fuel cells and hydrogen technologies


    Lecture 7

    Dr. David Brown, BroadBit Batteries Oy & Dr. Minna Toivola, Picosun Oy

    Nanotechnology in energy applications, a business perspective


    Lecture 8

    DI. Maaria Laukkanen, Eksergia 

    Emerging clean-tech businesses 


    Lecture 9

    Prof. Annukka Santasalo-Aarnio, ENG & Dr. Muhammad Nasrullah, Chemitech Consulting Oy

    Power to X, carbon capture, fuel production & Emerging clean-tech businesses

    Prof. Lianne Lefsrud, University of Alberta (Canada) Dr. Meri Lundahl, Teraloop

    Innovation, sustainability and social issues of clean energy technologies & Emerging clean-tech businesses 


    Lecture 10

    Project work  final presentations