Osion kuvaus

  • Etusivu

    This portal is used as a repository for all the information you need during the process of writing your BSc or MSc thesis. The portal is specifically designed for:

    1. Organising all the information you need to start and successfully finish your thesis.
    2. Providing feedback on the first complete draft of your thesis
    3. Grading your final thesis submission.

    How to use this page

    1. Please first check the item: Steps for MSc theses or Steps for BSc theses where you will find the description of all the steps you need to follow in order to complete your theses.
    2. Then go to the ressources item where you will find explanation and useful links from the school of engineering.

    Do not forget to enroll yourself, you have the steps explain just below.

    • Ennen kuin voit palauttaa työsi vasemman reunan kohdassa Opinnäyteversiot: 1. ilmoittaudu tämän työtilan jäseneksi klikkaamalla oikean reunan kohtaa Kurssiesite > Itserekisteröityminen (vaatii Aalto-kirjautumisen) ja 2. vastaa alla olevaan kysymykseen.