Topic outline

  • This section provides you with a host of self-help materials and landing points that can support your MSc writing process! 

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      > Is it hard for you to create and maintain daily rhythm and routine while REMOTE STYDYING?

      > Do you struggle getting study tasks done while studying alone at home?

      > Is it hard to distinguish free time from the time spent studying?

      > Does it feel like there isn’t enough time to do everything?

      > Is your to do-list so long it seems almost impossible to manage to do everything?

      If your answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’, consider taking this brief self-study module on time management!

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      The self-study material will help you to learn how to

      • be here and now
      • observe our thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations more clearly
      • be more self-compassionate
      • reduce stress

      When  facing difficulties we many times try not to notice them. Handling stress becomes easier when we approach difficulties rather avoiding them and learn to recognize when we start to feel stressed or worried. With practice it is possible to become less reactive and more free with our responses to the stressful situation.

      Mindfulness is a state of open attention on the present. It’s living here and now. Mindfulness involves nonjudgmental conscious awareness of one’s feelings, thoughts and surroundings. Our mind often wanders to the past or to the future. Mindfulness skills will help you to focus on the present moment.