Teaching assistant as a learning instructor, autumn 2021, group A
Topic outline
Day1 slides File PDF
Google Slides links:
1: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hjuROtiLfu7Rxl54p3JkwVHatrCYhCINfQq_K-rHumw/edit?usp=sharing
2: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dbX46ivAdsysydhiTVA-HcHGVp5VFjdDRJQtVjfE3Lc/edit?usp=sharing
3: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jodEhgVzuo-9EetKfN-peliFCIQN6ffGNIpd_wkMBOA/edit?usp=sharing
4: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13thtk6amcBYUsiNQYapoioT-LfVV3lDLbGkeCGuO4D4/edit?usp=sharing
Presemo feedback link: https://presemo.aalto.fi/taa2021
This is the link to the Aalto University e-course on its code of conduct. Completing this e-course is a mandatory requirement to pass this course. Please complete it and mark it as done (click the gray square in the upper right corner of this description) when you have completed it.
After reading the text, you can mark this activity as completed by clicking the check mark in the right corner.
What would you like to ask from a seasoned teaching assistant, or from a teacher of a course with teaching assistants?
If you don't have a question in your mind, post something you expect from your position as a teaching assistant.You will see others' questions after posting at least one.
This activity is automatically marked as completed after posting at least one post.