Osion kuvaus

  • Please reserve a time for your group for the presentation:


    A a part of the course you will be developing curriculum from your point of view in groups. You have also a mentor to help you with your task.
    Your mentor is mentioned in the lists of groups (mainly your school's pedagogical specialist).

    1. Please e-mail your mentor and describe and tell about your particular development area in this course.
    2. Please arrange a meeting with your mentor (= in practice suggest time options), for instance, to August, when you have returned from vacation.
    3. In the meeting with your mentor, please agree how to continue with (e.g. what kind of support you need).

    Group ENG 1 (WAT) Mentor: Sara Rönkkönen

    • Meeri Karvinen
    • Marko Keskinen
    • Teemu Kokkonen

    Group ENG 2 (REC) Mentor:  Sara Rönkkönen

    • Heidi Falkenbach
    • Kirsikka Riekkinen
    • Saija Toivonen

    Group ELEC (MWE) Mentor: Kirsti Keltikangas

    • Jari Holopainen
    • Clemens Icheln
    • Zach Taylor

    Group ARTS (Arkkitehtuuri) Mentor: Tiina Pylkkönen
    • Karola Sahi
    • Esa Vesmanen

    Group CHEM Mentor: Jukka Välimäki
    • Jan Deska
    • Michael Hummel
    • Ville Miikkulainen

    • Mentoring

      The key factors in mentoring are purposefulness, confidential interaction, and commitment. In this course, the group commits to a meeting with their mentor. Before coming to the meeting, the group prepares for the meeting

      •  by being in touch and arranging a time and place for the meeting
      • setting goals and topics for the meeting
      • telling the mentor about these in advance so that the mentor can prepare for the appointment

      The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the goal chosen by the group, discuss about it in confidence and look for alternative solutions and routes together. It is a good idea to choose a goal that is small and concrete enough to be tackled in this timeframe. The goal can also be divided into sub-goals. If it is necessary to take notes, it is a good idea to agree which of the group members will take them.

      Also the mentor has prepared for the appointment in advance

      • by getting acquainted with the documents, goals and topics they received
      • reserving the time for the group

      At the beginning of the meeting, the group tells the mentor about their wishes and developmental action points. The mentor can clarify the goals and help think ahead, but they doen't not solve the goal or set them. Within the time available, the mentor commits to supporting the group development project. This course has one 2-hour meeting between the mentor and the group, in addition to which the group and the mentor can, based on everyone’s schedule, arrange other meetings and other mentoring related to curriculum development. Matters talked about in mentoring can only be told outside the group if this has been agreed together. The mentoring is goal-oriented and the purpose is that after the meeting, the group would have the following ideas on how to start developing the issue. If necessary, the matter can be returned to, for example, in the joint TEAMS group.

    • Tehtävä icon

      Submit your group's report here. Use the template attached.

      1. Analysis of the current state

      2. Description of the development process

      3. Collaboration and co-development

      4. What did you find from the literature?

      5. Describing your process

      6. Thinking about long term development

      7. Conclusions

      In addition references and appendices