Topic outline

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      Peer Feedback (Activity starts at 9:00 on 19.08)

      • (First draft submission + Peer feedback) Worth 5%
      • Be prepared to give feedback on your partner's essay on the following:
      • A. Do you see the problem-solution pattern? Mark each step with a comment.
      • B. Identify the following and offer suggested corrections:
        • Informal verbs, adjectives, nouns, adverbs
        • Verb tense issues (e.g., future)
        • Use of active and passive
        • Any shift in English dialect
        • Citation issues
        • Punctuation issues
        • Any need for hedging (i.e., absolutes, strong claims)
        • Cohesion issues
        • Any other grammar or spelling errors
      Feedback partners
      • Liv and Nina
      • Markus and Sanna
      • Frida and Tuuli

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      Presentation Introductions File PDF
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      Pros and Cons of Visual Aids (Student) File DOCX
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      Assessment criteria for LC-1002 Expressing your Expertise Final Presentation File PDF
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      Session 06 LCA-1002 Summer 2021 File PDF