
  • Welcome to the second part of the course where we focus on how to change institutions. Unit 5 is the beginning of the second module for the full 5 credit version of the course.

    When you take a picture, you can decide what is included within the frame, what parts are excluded, and what you focus on. Similarly, the way that decisions, initiatives, and issues are framed influences how they are perceived and how people respond. Framing contests are typical at the emergence of new institutional arrangements.

    Discourses are collections of meaningful texts that influence how we talk about a topic (Phillips et al., 2004). Changing the discourse can change the institution.

    In this unit, you will read either an empirical case-study article on the framing contest surrounding the emergence of an environmental standard in an automotive industry (Guérard et al., 2013) or a conceptual article how and when texts shape discourses that shape institutions (Phillips et al., 2004). We also read the introduction of a classic (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981) because it illustrates the effect of framing in an experiment.

    In the essay, you can discuss the framing or discourse on an illustrative example of a topic that you find interesting. Also, discuss some or all of the general guiding questions for essays.


    Article (academic, media or other)

    Why this article / what part of the article

    Guérard, S., Bode, C., & Gustafsson, R. (2013). Turning Point Mechanisms in a Dualistic Process Model of Institutional Emergence: The Case of the Diesel Particulate Filter in Germany. Organization Studies, 34(5-6), 781-822

    Empirical article on how a social movement uses framing to introduce an environmental standard. You only have to read the highlighted parts of the article. Read either this article or the Phillips et al. (2004) article.  (25 pages highlighted in total, 12 pages excluded)

    Phillips, Nelson, Thomas B. Lawrence, and Cynthia Hardy. "Discourse and institutions." Academy of management review 29.4 (2004): 635-652.

    Conceptual article on how and when texts shape discourses that shape institutions. Read the full article. Read either this article or the Guérard et al. (2013) article.  (15 pages)

    Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. (1981). The framing of decisions and the psychology of choice. science, 211(4481), 453-458.

    It is a classic. Read only the introduction, which is highlighted in yellow. (1 page highlighted)


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