Topic outline

  • Free spaces are collective, insulated, social spaces where restrictive insitutional rules do not apply or cannot be enforced. Individuals that would like to see some specific institutional arrangements changed can interact, organize and encourage each other in free spaces. Free spaces promote collective action and the emergence of new institutional arrangements.


    Read the indicated sections of the empirical study (Rao & Dutta, 2012) and read at least two of the illustrative examples for reflection.


    Article (academic, media or other)

    Why this article / what part of the article

    Rao, H., & Dutta, S. (2012). Free spaces as organizational weapons of the weak: Religious festivals and regimental mutinies in the 1857 Bengal Native Army. Administrative Science Quarterly, 57(4), 625-668.

    Empirical article that shows the effect of free spaces on mobilization against institutional forces. Read through the abstract, introduction, and literature section “FREE SPACES AS ORGANIZATIONAL WEAPONS OF THE WEAK”, (p. 625 – 631), and discussion (p. 658 – 660).  Skim through the sections from “The empirical setting and hypotheses”, “Methods”, and “Results”, (p. 631 – 658) and only read parts that seem essential.

    Aalto Entrepreneurship Society (2020). About us.

    Illustrative example for reflection.

    Zadrozny & Collins (5.1.2021). Violent threats ripple through far-right internet forums ahead of protest. NBC news.

    Illustrative example for reflection. News article on far-right online forums just before the US capitol storming on the 6th January 2021.

    Mäkelä (9.6.2018). Miksi lähes 30 000 naista haluaa olla osana uraverkostoa? Ompeluseuran perustaja Milla Halme kertoo, miksi naisten omille verkostoille on tilausta. Duunitori.

    Illustrative example for reflection. In Finnish.

    Calhoun-Brown, A. (2000). Upon this rock: The black church, nonviolence, and the civil rights movement. PS: Political Science and Politics, 33(2), 169-174.

    Illustrative example for reflection. Skim through the article to get the general idea.


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