Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    We're excited to have you in this course. Energy is critical for our world and is at the forefront of our sustainability transition efforts. This course focuses on the energy transition, from business and innovation perspectives. Here is some important practical information about the course:

    • The course is held mostly remotely, with online Zoom-meetings at the designated lecture times. There will be also preparatory contect on Mycourses related to each teaching session.
    • Since covid-restrictions have eased up, we are planning to have two face-to-face, in-classroom sessions during the course- on 26.4 and 5.5
    • There are no specific attendance requirements for any single individual session, but there is a general requirement of attending 8 teaching sessions.
    • There is no single final exam, but a mix of individual written assignments, shorter literature quizzes, and a larger group assignment. These will be the basis of the course evaluation.
    More information is available in the preliminary syllabus below

    Zoom-link for the teaching sessions: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/69773738403. Exceptions: 21.4 (separate Zoom-links for each group), 28.4 and 5.5 (in-class sessions, no Zoom)