
  • Welcome to the Programming I course page!

    Programming I will be arranged as a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course), which utilises modules 1-7 of the Java programming course provided by the University of Helsinki (the course was recently updated in 2020 for improved user experience). An aalto-specific 2021 course link to the MOOC is now provided at https://tmc.mooc.fi/org/aalto-biz/. Follow carefully the step-by-step installation instructions given in the instruction slides (see below). 

    The exercises should be completed by October 27, the night before the first exam, which is arranged by Aalto on October 28. Thus, there is a single deadline for all exercises, and 80% of each 7 exercise modules should be completed in order to proceed to the next one. You should reserve plenty of time for conducting the coding exercises (do them weekly), as there's around 250 of them in total. The weight of the final exam is 50% of the grade. Click the Syllabus button on the right hand side for syllabus info - more detailed information is provided at the slides below. There are no compulsory lectures in the course, but online help sessions on Wednesdays will be arranged via Zoom, first one on Sept 15 at 16.15 o'clock. Also a new chat platform (in Zulip) is in use for Q&A and peer support during the course. In case you have any questions regarding enrolment or the course, please contact Dr. Johanna Bragge (@aalto.fi). If you have technical issues with Sisu registration, please contact Sisu help via sisuneuvonta-biz@aalto.fi

    • Link to course chat forum at https://javamooc.zulip.cs.aalto.fiUse your Aalto ID, register to Zulip when entering the chat for the first time.

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Step-by-step instruction slides for getting started with the MOOC Fil PDF
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Tuesday 26.10.2021 help session Fil MP4