Topic outline

  • In the spring of 2022, two retake exams will be held, each of which you can retake one or both of the midterm exams. Retakes are voluntary.

    Retakes are performed in the same manner as the midterm exams. Links to the exams will be found from the top part of the Tim pages of the course. They will open up at the beginning of the exam.

    In the exams you can consult the course material and other available sources for your answers. You can also use Matlab, Octave, Mathematica, Wolfram or similar tool to solve problems. All kind of calculators are allowed too.

    Before and during the exams you can ask advice using slack or email. In the slack you can use channel or send Direct Messages (DM) to Petri Lindroos. Email questions can be send to

    Retakes are held at:

    1. retake, Monday 31.01.2022 at 16.30-20.30.00

    2. retake , 28.03.2022 at 16.30-20.30 >