
  • Welcome to Design for Government, Period V!

    Welcome back to DfG Period V!

    We look forward to meeting you all in our new room at Otakaari 1, U410b on Monday 25.04 at 9.15h.

    Course director: Núria Solsona Caba nuria.solsona@aalto.fi
    Teaching assistant: Azalya Latorre Latorre azalya.latorrelatorre@aalto.fi
    Lecturers and Tutors: Taneli Heinonen taneli.heinonen@aalto.fi and Hella Hernberg hella.hernberg@aalto.fi

    Period V Overview

    Key dates

    • 18.04 NO contact teaching, independent study week 
    • 16.05 Rehearsals at the National Pensions Institute 
    • 23.05 Final Show event at the National Pensions Institute 
    • 30.05 Final Report deadline 

    Workload overview

    • The course is 10 ECTS. This equals 270 total hours of work, or 19.2 hours per week, roughly three full working days per week. 
    • Most work is carried out in project teams outside of contact teaching hours. 
    • Activities have been distributed week-by-week to consider a balance in the workload.
    • Group work is more intense in Weeks 10-11 due to final show preparation 

    Period V Schedule & Contents

    • The course is structured following the DfG Design approach (see image), in Period V we will cover design interventions using a wide range of methods, such as behavioral-based insights or scenario-based visualizations. 

    DfG Design approach